Now, without further ado, Amateur Friendly Attributes Part Two...
6. Try: An
amateur friendly horse has plenty of “try.”
He may not be have an advanced education, but when asked a question or
faced with a scary, new challenge, he gives it the “old college try!” We LOVE him for this!! He does not panic or fuss when he does not understand. He confidently uses his brain and does his
best. Make no mistake, our amateur’s
horse is not simply blindly bold or foolishly fearless either, because these
traits could get his rider into trouble.
Our horse tries for his rider, to the very best of his physical
abilities and knowledge. The rider of an
amateur friendly horse is rarely disappointed; because he/she knows this horse
did ALL he could. (Trainable. Because this is one of the more difficult
characteristics to train, many horses with this trait have the Intrinsic
form. “Try” is cultivated with the right
kind of training. It is quality not quantity.
We do not develop “Try” by training the horse to perform specific tasks
or particular movements nor by putting “miles” on him. “Try” is developed through how he is
taught. More on this in a later post.)
7. Body awareness:
The amateur friendly horse knows where his body and feet are and he
knows where yours are too. He may not
follow you like a well-trained, placid pup, but when trouble arises, he manages
to spook while in acrobatic style (if necessary) also avoid knocking into or
stepping on you. He also manages not to
injure your non-horsey family and friends, even when their non-horsey-ness
makes bodily harm seem inevitable. Once,
my high-strung, Thoroughbred show horse from my teenage years was presented by a
passerby with a baby in a stroller. I
held my breath, but he gently and quietly lowered his nose for the youngster to
grab while giggling with delight. :) He knew when to be
careful. :) (Priceless, Essential, Trainable!)
9. Dabbles in other disciplines:
The amateur friendly horse should be reasonable on a simple trail
ride or a brief foray into a different discipline. Why? Most amateurs own or lease one or two horses, maximum. So, while our amateur rider's dreams may lie in a certain show
ring, he/she may also want to take an occasional lesson outside his/her comfort zone or to participate in a Saturday afternoon trail ride with friends. While we will not expect our amateur’s
horse to gallop through a water complex or trail ride alone during quail season, he should be a pleasant and steady enough mount to get the job done. Our amateur rider must be able to enjoy the occasional adventure without his/her horse losing his mind or his manners. (Trainable)
11. Loads and
unloads from a trailer: Okay, don’t worry,
our amateur friendly horse does not need to trailer load like an advertisement
for a TV horse trainer, but he cannot be a dangerous loader. I am fine with a horse who gets a little
nervous and needs to take his time. If I
were a giant animal and someone wanted to put me in a small metal box and go flying
down the highway at 70 mph, I would not be in a hurry to jump on-board
either! Personally, I like to load and
unload my horses a few times before I shut the door on them and hit the
road. I find it helps calm their nerves
among other benefits. So, if your horse
loads and unloads rationally and in a reasonable amount of time, if his
behavior is predictable, and if he can load and unload without being a danger
to himself and those around him, then Congrats!
I give him amateur approval! (Trainable)
Looking back over our list, you may think I left out a few
things. Where is “quiet,” “kick-ride,” "lazy," “bomb-proof,”
“child/husband-safe,” “tons of show
miles,” or “well-schooled?” Well, while our amateur friendly horse may also have these traits, they are not the attributes that make him a suitable amateur mount. Why? Several reasons. The amateur rider (depending on skill level) may appreciate, enjoy, and find great success with horses
who are green, forward/hot, or as previously mentioned, quirky. And just as many amateur riders enjoy and find success with their "kick ride" horses, many amateurs excel with horses whose energy and enthusiasm for their discipline knows no bounds! Quiet is great, and I appreciate all the "Steady Eddies" out there who parade around the ring teaching lessons and safely carrying our beginner riders up through the levels. Just remember, miles does NOT mean trained and lazy does NOT mean safe! (Much more on this another time.) Though the amateur's horse may be the quiet, school master type, he does not have to be to fit the bill as your perfect partner.
So our take home message for today...
The amateur friendly horse is a product of quality,
thorough Foundational Training paired with a teachable and kind soul. He is an amiable and reasonable partner that will bring countless smiles to his owner's face. Developing Amateur Friendly horses is my
specialty. The journey toward “amateur friendly”
status can begin almost anywhere, with a wild Mustang, an unruly youngster, a
defiant pony, or an older horse that never got a real foundation. Some horses are naturally geared toward being
amateur partners, while others have a longer training journey ahead of
them. With the right trainer and a dedicated owner, the overwhelming majority
of horses can become faithful, practical, “amateur friendly” equine partners, capable of bringing years of enjoyment and achievement to their riders.
For more information on training and lesson with Mary
Berlauk, please visit
or contact
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